MACBETH (alone) has been performed indoors and outdoors. In Thrust, Round and Proscenium with seating capacity from 30 - 300.
LOAD IN/TECH TIME: Load in time is minimal, everything fits into standard suitcase allowances. The minimum tech time we have had is 1.5 hours, the maximum was 8 hours.
SET: Bare Stage. Black stage block to be sourced locally.
SHOW CALL: Ideally we are a team of three: technical director, operator and performer.
RUNNING TIME: 60 minutes, no interval. We offer a post-show discussion/Q&A if required. Also available for education (voice classes, acting classes) and community outreach work if requested.
WARDROBE: Access to an iron and laundry if more than a single performance.
DRESSING ROOM: A dressing room will be required by the performer.
SOUND: A place with sight of the performance space for operator with laptop and sound interface. There is an integral soundscape in the production.
LX: Lighting will be based on venue equipment and available tech time. There are no special effects.
SUBTITLES: Full text in English provided, also available on powerpoint.